
Spend a relaxing morning with me at my studio in the Forest of Dean learning a new skill or brushing up on an old forgotten one. 

I am a full time printmaker and experienced tutor with 20 years teaching experience. I teach in small groups of four in a very relaxed and supportive environment so that there is plenty of opportunity for 1:1 tuition.

But I'm not artistic!

Often people will say to me that they would love to come to one of my workshops but they just can't draw for toffee or that they are not 'arty' or 'creative'. All of my workshops are suitable for complete beginners to printmaking, the focus is on the process of making a printing plate to create a print from, not at all a test of drawing skill.I always ask that people bring a reference picture to work from for all of my workshops; some bring something hand drawn but nine times out of ten it is a photo or an image that they have found online to trace.